Réunion scientifique du 5 octobre 2024 à Amiens

Chers collègues,

Vous pouvez dès à présent vous inscrire à la réunion scientifique du 5 octobre 2024 à Amiens.



Programme scientifique:

09:45 – 10:10: Troubles cognitifs: Qu’attend le neurologue du médecin nucléaire (Pr T. Lebouvier – CHU Lille)

10:10 – 10:30: La TEP au FDG dans les troubles cognitifs (Dr F. Hives – CHU Lille)

10:30 – 10:50: Actualité des autres traceurs TEP dans les troubles cognitifs (Pr A. Kas – APHP Pitié Salpetrière)

11:30 – 11:50: Généralités sur la prise en charge en neuro-oncologie (Dr M. Boone – CHU Amiens)

11:50 – 12:10: Neuro-oncologie: quel(s) radiopharmaceutique(s) (Dr J. Vigne – CHU Caen / Dr A. Girard – CHU Amiens)

BELNUC’23 certificate download available

BELNUC’23 certificates are available online. In case you haven’t done so, please download your certificate HERE.


In line with § 7.2.3 of the EANM Statutes, the EANM Board hereby gives notice that the following EANM Board positions are open for election:

  1. President Elect 2023-2024 – elected by the Delegates’ Assembly
  2. Committee Coordinator 2023-2024 – elected by the Delegates’ Assembly
  3. Secretary/Treasurer 2023-2024 – elected by the Members´ Assembly
  4. Scientific Liaison Officer 2023-2024 – elected by the Members´ Assembly

The election will be held remotely via e-voting procedure between September 26 and October 3, 2022. The election results will be presented in Barcelona on the occasion of the EANM´22 Congress, during the Delegates’ and Members´ Assembly on Saturday, October 15, and Tuesday, October 18, 2022, respectively.

Information and details on the e-voting procedure will be provided here.